The role I play

Meditation plays an integral role in the continuation of the work that I do. It allows me to stay centred in my heartfelt truth and live from a place of peace and integrity. This calmness flows through to my clients and creates a safe space in which clients feel able able to open up to healing aspects of their own inner child.

I am empathetic to people’s situations and understand their pain and know how to help them move through it with clear, simple steps. These steps are outlined throughout the Inner Child Guided Visualization Meditations that I have created.

My life experience plays a large role in my work and the depth of my own story helps me relate to the struggles of others. Since we may not have the same story but we may share an understanding of the experience of emotional turmoil. Healing your inner child is paramount to embracing the change that you are seeking.

felt compelled to change the way I was living to be more in harmony with who I really am. This required me to begin exploring within, to begin healing my own inner child and to make my life less serious.  In my work as a healer I am able to share my intuitive guidance and knowledge, to help others tap into their own intuitive self and embrace their softer, feminine aspects so that the inner child can gently begin

to heal.

Posted on: October 29, 2016, by : Bodhi Net

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