Want to reconnect with your inner child and make your life more playful and fun?

For some the fast pace of life has taken away the joy of life and has created an insatiable appetite for the accumulation of external things that we mistakenly believe will fill our emotional and spiritual void.  Life has become too serious which takes the fun, enjoyment and pleasure out of what may naturally unfold.

Over time, if this is not addressed, we can become emotionally detached from ourselves and from life itself.  Our sense of trust and curiousity slowly diminishes, along with our capacity to experience new and exciting life moments.  Restoring your connection with your inner child and allowing this to flourish will help to bring balance back into your life again.

A simple way to reconnect with your inner child is through the Guided Creative Inner Child Meditations available on this site.  Meditation can be magical and a space where miracles happen.

I am here to guided you on an adventure into meditation that is going to help you reconnect to your inner child and reclaim your true self through healing emotional aspects of your past.  You will then have the opportunity to heighten your senses, rekindle your childlike exuberance and rediscover the awe and wonder of life.

Guided Creative Visualization is an easy method to use and follow.

It’s less like hard work and much more about joy, peace and tapping into your true self.

So follow the sound of my voice and let me take you on a journey to explore your inner world.   We will share nurturing and healing experiences that support the more vulnerable and wounded aspects of the inner child. We can safely return to the chapters of your childhood that need attention to bring resolution, love and peace. As you connect and find yourself in these quiet and inspiring spaces you will uncover a part of you that may have been forgotten.  We will work with the unfolding inspiration and gently nurture and encourage it to come forth into your life.

Through my heart felt guidance I will lead you back to yours.

We will find peace together.

Posted on: October 29, 2016, by : Bodhi Net

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